Saturday, August 31, 2019

Prejudice Worksheet

Please complete the following exercises, remembering that you are in an academic setting and should remain unbiased, considerate, and professional when completing this worksheet. Part I Select three of the identity categories below and name or describe at least 3 related stereotypes for each: †¢ Race †¢ Ethnicity †¢ Religion †¢ Gender †¢ Sexual orientation †¢ Age †¢ Disability |Category |Stereotype 1 |Stereotype 2 |Stereotype 3 | |Race | People say black people are lazy. |People say white people are smart |People say Jews are cheap but | | | |and blonds are dumb. rich. | |Religion |Wiccan Pentacle Study, worship the|Gothic people are very weird and |Muslims are terrorist and women | | |devil. |violent. |are beneath them. | |Sexual Orientation |When someone see a feminine man |When someone sees masculine women |People say homosexuality is wrong | | |and call him gay. |she is a lesbian. |and immoral. | Part II Answer each question in 50 to 100 words r elated to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. What are the positive aspects of stereotypes, if any?The aspects of positive stereotypes can be positive if a person know the difference and have the knowledge to understand what a person may be stating. If we prefer to someone as a â€Å"jock† we are acknowledging that this person is into sports. A person that is known to be preferred to by â€Å"Gothic† or â€Å"Punk† is because of the type of music they listen to and the type of clothing they wear. Usually no one is offended by this because it is factual and evident and these are positive aspects of stereotypes. What are the negative aspects of stereotypes?The negative aspects of stereotypes are the lack of understanding, the ignorance, and the labeling of someone to hurt their feelings as an individual or a group of people. A person may see a female with a short hair cut like a man and call them a dike without getting to know who tha t person is and assuming that this is what they are. Part III Answer each question in 50 to 150 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. Define stereotypes and prejudice. What is the difference between stereotyping and prejudice?Use examples to illustrate the differences. Stereotype is something conforming to a fixed or general pattern, a standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinions, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment. Prejudice is prejudgment and negative attitude based on sex, race, age, sexual orientation, nationality, socioeconomic status, and religion towards an individual or group of people. The difference between stereotype and prejudice is that stereotype is standardized beliefs about people based on some prior assumptions.Prejudice is a type of judgment or assumption about somebody before having sufficient knowledge to judge with accuracy. Example of stereotype is all policemen eat donuts. Example of prejudice is an organization that hires more males and reject females are known to be prejudice. What is the relationship between stereotyping and prejudice? The relationship between stereotyping and prejudice is that stereotyping promotes prejudice and that prejudice reduction depends on stereotype change.Prejudice also influences the extent of stereotyping. The important theoretical tradition posits that this effect emerges because prejudice encourages the use of stereotypes as a means to justify societal inequality (e. g. , Allport, 1954; Katz & Braly, 1933; Lippmann, 1922). What can be done to prevent prejudice from occurring? Intolerance stems from ignorance and arrogance this go hand in hand and people need to understand and have the knowledge not to pre-judge people.In order to prevent prejudice from occurring we need to begin now with the way we are raising our children and teach them not to be judgmental and preconceive pe ople before we get to know someone. Teach them not to assume to not like someone because of the color of their skin or where they come from. People are people no matter what they may look like, getting to know a person is very important and not to judge a book by its cover. Have rallies of all race and culture so people can have a better understanding of others. It starts at home teach your children a better way so that they will understand life in a better perspective.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Making Sex Offenders Names Public

Amanda McCloskey â€Å"Making sex offenders names public. † Making sex offenders names public does have there ups and downs but i am totally for it. Sex offenders can be men or women it does not matter about what gender the sex offenders are because either way the adult is the one who is taking the innocents of a child. In most cases the child can know there sex offender.The reasons why i think that sex offenders name should be public are, the protection of both genders and children in the area, for the sex offenders names to be out there so they have to live with what they did, so that the people from the community can prevent it from happening again. Sex offenders are very dangerous and we really don't know when they are going to do it again. The first reason why i think sex offenders names should be public is for the protection of both genders and children in the area.Men and women can both sexually abuse someone. Sometimes when your walking by someone you never really thin k to yourself that the person you just walked by can actually be a sex offender. Sex offenders names are already public but the reason i am for it is because then people actually can try to prevent it by taking there time and looking through the list of sex offenders and what the person did, who is actually by them and live close to them. Both genders can still be harmful, or even harmed.This whole topic and situation is just scary to picture and talk about but personally it needs to be out there, and the sex offenders website for your state needs to be always updated. When your a child you never think that someone can actually do something that harmful for you and it is just sad. Any person has a right to know so that they actually have a chance to protect themselves. Thats one of the reasons why i think that sex offenders name should be public. The second reason why i think a sex offenders name should be public is so sex offenders name to be out there for everyone to see and so th ey have to live with what they did.Also because they won't be able to hide if someone ask them about it, for instants trying to get a job and lying about it. The thought of being sexually offended is scary and i personally don't think anyone would want to go through that. People who are sexually offending shouldn't be afraid to tell on the person, because a lot of the people who don't tell often who did to them might do it to someone else, and if they talk they can prevent it from happening again. I don't understand how an adult can take avenge of a person knowing that it is wrong.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

International Contracts Essay

The present research endeavours to situate international contracts within the context of international dealings transnational construction parties. It is hoped that the results will show the prevalence of international contracts in the business as well as the role which they play in concluding deals. Previous research (See Appendix 1) conducted in this field has shown that construction contracts are indeed accomplished between international companies. However, the precise role that international contracts as legal documents have on the relations between a construction company and a foreign client have not been studied before. That is the difference that this present research will make given the nuances which set apart construction contracts from international contracts per se. Research Methodology In this research, some of the research questions to be addressed and answered are: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What is the role of international constructs in the finalization of international business deals? 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What is the role of international contracts in a globalized industry? 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What is the relationship of international laws with the accomplishment of international contracts? 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What effect if any do cultural differences introduce to the finalization of international contracts? 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   How effective are joint ventures in the world market? These questions will be answered through the collection of data from international contractors through the means of distributing questionnaires (See Appendix 2). The questionnaire answers provide a sufficient view of the business dealings of the research participants. Because of the specificity of the questionnaire items, the researcher will be able to derive many of the answers to the above-mentioned research questions. Moreover, given the hectic schedules of the research participants, the brief questionnaire will ensure the participation of more companies. This will enlarge the scope of the data gathered. Since the participants are assured of anonymity when answering, there is an increased likelihood of obtaining reliable answers. Furthermore, the open-ended nature of the questions and the fact that the personal corporate details of the participant companies are not inquired into also support the validity of the responses to be collated. The process is designed to be non-threatening and non-cumbersome to the participant to increase the likelihood of participation. A qualitative textual analysis of the questionnaire will then be conducted by the researcher. The rating and fixed-choice questions will be tallied while the open-ended questions will be analysed through the codification and categorization of answers given. The manner of coding determines greatly the internal validity and reliability of the findings. The representation of the participants on the other hand determines the external validity. The former concern stresses the importance of academic discipline on the part of the researcher while the latter concern is assured by the number of participants that may be encouraged to join due to the simplicity of the process. This research is a stand-alone project. Although it may be extended to further understand international contracts, the research questions focused on in this study are already answered by the questionnaire items. Further, the entire goal and purpose of the research has already been addressed by the particular research questions. Research Participants In this study construction companies will be approached and contacted for participation in the study. Only construction companies who have dealt with international clients during the last year will be asked to participate. The construction companies to be included are not limited to those found in the researcher’s city of residence to ensure increased generalizability of data. No less than fifteen participant companies will be deemed sufficient for the accomplishment of the survey. The researcher will contact companies by reaching their representatives by phone, by electronic mail, or other web-based interaction mechanisms that the company might provide. The researcher will utilize company advertisements and websites to draw up a list of potential participants. The personal communication with the companies will provide the researcher with a greater opportunity to inform the companies of the nature of the study. Initial consent by the companies will be followed by the researcher’s sending of the questionnaire with the attached consent form (See Appendix 4). The questionnaire will also be accompanied with instructions for the answered questionnaire and the accomplished consent form to be sent back to the researcher not later than one week after receipt. Accomplished questionnaires returned without the consent form will not be invalidated as the mere return and completion are badges of consent. In order to ensure that there is no researcher bias when codifying the responses, the name, position and organization of the respondents will be listed down on a separate sheet along with an assigned questionnaire number to be designated to that particular questionnaire. The name, position and organization of the respondent will then be blotted out so that the researcher is able to codify the responses without being biased by the identity of the respondent or the organization. The master list of names and questionnaire numbers will remain sealed until the final analysis of the results. To further ensure confidentiality, the questionnaire responses will be made available only to the researcher and to the supervising instructor. Both persons shall use the responses only for the purpose of this present study. Any application of the present results to future studies requires the consent of the participants in the present study. Research Data and Results The research results will be recorded through the printing out of any questionnaires submitted via webmail. Those questionnaires that were manually accomplished will serve as records of the answers indicated therein. As has been previously indicated, the name, position and organization of the respondents will be blacked out of the actual forms. The master list containing the names of the respondents will also be altered after the researcher has made a final report of the conclusions of the research. Upon the conclusion of the research, a new master list will be made and the names of the respondents stricken out from the new list. This master list along with the questionnaires and consent forms duly assigned questionnaire numbers, will be stored in a locker found in the researcher’s private residence. The storage will be secured for a period not less than five years. Only the researcher and the research supervising instructor will be allowed access to the data. But this access will only be for the purpose of assessing the findings of the present study. Any electronic submissions will be deleted. Finally, ownership of the data and findings will redound to the researcher alone. Any report, reproduction or publication of the findings or any utilization and accessing of the data must therefore be with the consent of the researcher.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Packet Switching vs. Circuit Switching Assignment

Packet Switching vs. Circuit Switching - Assignment Example Packet switches finds it application mostly in the exchange conducted through the computer or other modern digital devices that make use of bits and packets of data. P.S.T.N enabled transmission is an example of circuit switch technology while VOIP and IP network is an example of Packet switched network(Rahman, Ellis, & Pursell, 2003). The major difference between the two is in the manner in which the information is sent. Circuit switched network has a pre defined and dedicated path for signal transmission. This dedicated transmission takes place in multiple phases starting with establishing of the call, followed by the transfer and finally the termination of link at the end of the call. While packet switch deals with node to node and does not work on the basis of pre allocated path for traffic transmission. Circuit switching relies mostly on T.D.M or F.D.M or at best on C.D.M for channel transmission, while Packet switch uses dynamic I.P network which is far more effective and can accommodate more options compared to its predecessor. Chances of contention are relatively higher in case of circuit switching mode. Routing processes in Packet switching are more concrete and hop to hop basis routing is performed which makes it easy for overall packet transmission and packets are exchanged and extended in form of store and forward mechanism(Kurose, 2005). Line efficiency of packet switched system is far better than the predecessor. In case of traffic congestion, the prioritization process can be adopted this makes the network working unlike circuit switch which is highly prone to congestion and saturation. Packets are handled either through the virtual circuits or through the data gram. Amongst these two, datagram is more flexible. Though relatively slow and limited in options, circuit switches are considered more reliable than the packet switch as the overall transmission is handled from

The Epic of Gilgamesh and Hammurabi's Code Essay

The Epic of Gilgamesh and Hammurabi's Code - Essay Example Gilgamesh was going to the temple of Shamash to consult with the god before undertaking a major mission also shows the great influence religion had in Mesopotamia. In both of these texts, it can be noted that the sun – god Shamash, who was also the Mesopotamian god of justice, plays a major role in some of the major events which take place considering that he granted Hammurabi the laws and always gave guidance to Gilgamesh so that he would succeed in his missions (Hawkins, 277 – 278). The values of the ancient Sumerians seem to have been guided by their religion and many believed that they needed the authority of a god while doing anything important to ensure that their actions were a success. One would notice in these texts that the relationships between the people of this society in the ancient times were very close and that friendships had a higher value then than they have today. Friends tended to treat each other more like siblings than as people from different bac kgrounds and a good example of this is the relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Although Gilgamesh was the king of Uruk and Enkidu was wild man from the fields, these two strike a friendship that would be very unlikely in the current times. It can further be noted that the rulers of ancient Mesopotamia tended to place a very high value to their connection with the gods most likely in an attempt to justify their authority over their people. We note that Hammurabi claims to have been in direct communication with a god when he was given the laws, which would be imposed, on his people (Beaulieu, 11). Gilgamesh on the other hand is said to have been two-thirds god and one-third man and that his mother was the goddess Ninsun who is repeatedly seen to intercede on his behalf to the other gods.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Ghandi, The Man not the Myth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ghandi, The Man not the Myth - Essay Example Gandhi’s approach to life is to build, not break. He knew that prosperity in the real sense of the term will not happen unless the people are sound and industrious, and basic conditions are created for them to become this way. With the profound knowledge that he possessed about cultural traditions and the state of the economy, he was in a position to guide the destiny of the people. The country he was associated with had their economy and cultural traditions exploited and devastated with a calculated plan by the colonial rulers. He desired that every segment of the population of the country needs to be self-sufficient and should not look forward for foreign aid. He desired and worked for the Indian people to make them self-sufficient and lead the life maintaining the essential dignity. Truth was the underlying message in his way of life. Non-violence to him meant strength without destruction, with no chance for weakness or fear for challenging injustice. In the dark coalmine o f politics, he was the sparkling gem. He had powerful issues to fight with, like racism, violence, religious fanaticism, and colonialism. Since truth was at the root of all his battles, he had no confusion about his goals, for he knew his destination. To him, how he did, what he did, and the honest means employed were more important than the violent tactics normally adopted by the politicians. "Truth remained at the root of his integrated approach to life, and by non-violence he meant vitality without destruction, with no opportunity for weakness or fear for challenging injustice." Religion enveloped every action in his life In 1944 Albert Einstein said, â€Å"Generations to come, it may be, will scarcely believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth,†. He spoke of Gandhi as an angel, that only occurs once on earth. That was the time when Gandhi was at the peak of spiritual advancement and the Indian Freedom struggle had entered the conclusive phase. Most of the people then and eve n today understand the superficial Gandhi, a tall lean figure with a walking stick and robe. They were enthusiastic about following him, without understanding the basic principles for which he stood for. In turn he mixed freely with the people, irrespective of their class or official status and at the same time he maintained the essential dignity needed in a true leader. He possessed personal assets like purity in personal lifestyles, good dietary practices (he was a strict vegetarian), celibacy, and a life devoid of violence (ahimsa) His dietary practices were often ridiculed and termed as impractical for a hardworking and busy individual. However, Gandhi knew the scientific justification for his pursuits in this area, which he considered as an important aspect for his spiritual advancement. Gandhi’s food discipline is part of this theory. His mother took advice from a Jain priest and the 5 five great vows of Jainism are: nonviolence, truth, non-stealing, celibacy, and non p ossession (Holmes, p.6). Those taking junk and non-vegetarian foods are prone to anger, restlessness and unsteady behavior, get upset over frivolous issues and have jealous dispositions. Gandhi terms his life as an experiment with truth, and he tendered convincing proofs for all his actions. Gandhi does not expect everyone to follow his principles blindly and as the man with the divine orientation he knows that each individual is born with a level of progression. There is a place in which he has to commence the one’s own journey of life from the given set of circumstances. When the individuals are honest about their intentions and have an unselfish approach, all problems, personal, societal, national and international, can be solved. Apparently, this may seem hard to obtain, but this is the only alternative to challenge the issues confronting humankind. Treading the spiritual path is a gradual process and the episodes presented by Gandhi chronologically in the book need to be understood in this context. As one progresses spiritually, many a past beliefs turn myths. Meaning, such an individual has transcended the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Music concert report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Music concert report - Essay Example Other pieces played had incorporation of instruments such as bass guitar, Hammond organ, harmonica, and electric guitar blue rock. Personally, I comprehended the genre associated with heavy metal , boogie rock , Garage rock , southern rock , punk blues hard rock. The band consisted of blend of old generation people with youthful blood in it. The organizers of the event sold their tickets through quite early in time thus facilitating the convergence of a substantial number of people to the function. From the concert I mastered the relevant core blues rock. These were an electric guitar, drum kit and bass guitar which the artists applied to ignite the mood of the people. The electric hugely amplified via the tube guitar in a typical overdrive effect. It was observable that to produce the customized reverberation, two guitars were played in subsequence to riffs and some of the chords on the rhythmical guitar. Synchronically, another artist must be playing corresponding melodic lines and rhythmical solos from the lead guitar. While at the concerts we as the audience were served with cool nice combination of instruments melodies thus widening our zeal and love for the music. Am not a fan of rock but I had to appreciate the model on which it was availed. The musicals created a conducive and soothing environment. The fusion of drumbeats and other instruments provided very nice tranquility and comfort zone.Personally, my main aim for the occasion was to relate with history.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Literature Review on Food Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Literature Review on Food Studies - Essay Example However, there is enough evidence that males also more likely to consume food rich in fiber and mineral nutrients that males students despite their unconsciousness to healthy eating patterns. On the other hand, ladies are keener on the need for healthy feeding and are less likely to consume high intake of fats and carbohydrates. The general conclusion of the research is that both males and female students in tertiary schools consumer nutrients in a much lower rate as compared to any other population. On the other hand, the research by Story, et al., (2002) on the influence of the environment on the feeding habits among adolescents is more reasonable in defining the problem of eating habits within the public. This group of research identifies that the social and physical environments influence the consumption patterns of the teenagers. The physical environment includes the existence of fast foods and the most available foods within the market. Notably, there is a rise in the fast food restaurant industry hence attracting the youths to eat junk foods that often contribute to obesity and other related diseases. Secondly, the social environment influences the preferences of groups of teenagers hence affecting their food intake. For instance, peer networks influence from what the youths drink to what they eat during the day. Apart from this, Story et al., (2002) identify that the adolescent is surrounded by complex changes that may influence individual tastes and preferences and henc e the eating behaviors.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Comparing And Contrasting Wireless Security Essay

Comparing And Contrasting Wireless Security - Essay Example Yet, as recent events have shown, this wall is at best overstated and at worst illusory altogether. Regardless, wireless security is no longer a concern for only the home and business. As wireless access points grow in popularity, there is a growing need to secure networks that are designed to be used by members of the public. As Chenoweth, Minch and Tabor (2010) point out, these networks offer little or no security for the end user, which is a completely different problem, but related in the potential consequences of misuse. Finally, Potter (2006) believes that achieving true security at one of these public networks is impossible and that â€Å"Laptops and PDAs are so vulnerable in wireless hotspots, users would do well to turn them off† (p. 51). The views of wireless security that those authors give are separable into two different sets of categories. First, the authors either give an optimist/descriptive view or a pessimist/normative view of how end users should interact wi th wireless technology given security concerns. Loo (2008) witnessed the breach in internet security at a U.S. credit card processing center (a â€Å"descriptive† view) and wrote about how users can protect themselves. On the other hand, Chenoweth, Minch and Tabor (2010) and Potter (2006) described how there is virtually no security on wireless networks (a â€Å"pessimistic† view) and that users might be better off not using them (â€Å"a normative view†). Second, the authors give either an account of private home or business wireless security or an account of public hotspot wireless security. Once again, while Loo (2008) is writing primarily about private end users operating their own private networks, Chenoweth, Minch and Tabor (2010) and Potter (2006) are discussing networks in the context of public hotspots, as opposed to private channels. Seeing the literature in this way, one might realize that there is a certain consistency at work: from the time between 2006 and 2010, little advancements have been made in improving the wireless security for public networks. Meanwhile, private networks remain potentially unprotected, but that the weakest link in that chain is the end user, not the network itself as seems to be the case with public wireless hotspots. From this perspective, one can begin to put into context the kind of advice or observations that each article makes. Loo (2008) opens his discussion of private network wireless security by overviewing why end users are the weakest components in a computer system’s security. He writes, â€Å"In most systems, the weakest components are the end users, particularly when they are accessing the corporation’s databases with wireless facilities at home† (p. 68). Of course, what he is suggesting here is that corporations must safeguard their information from private individuals because, although those private individuals may think their connection is secure, it may be the eas iest access way that an outsider has to gain access to the sensitive information contained within a corporation’s network. Loo (2008) dispels some of the myths above this private security, including the common belief that home computers are not attractive to hackers. However, this belief is false considering the increasingly digitized way that individuals share knowledge and communicate. Not only

Friday, August 23, 2019

Axiomatic Account of Scientific Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Axiomatic Account of Scientific Theories - Essay Example As the study outlines logical axioms refer to an argument or reasoning which is taken to be true within the system of the logic they define. On the other hand, non-logical axioms are actually defining properties for the domain or of the domain of a certain mathematical theory. For instance, a non logical axiom can be presented mathematically as: x+y = y+x. In this case, the axiom can be used to imply assumptions, or a postulate. Therefore, to make a system of knowledge or a domain of knowledge an axiom is to show that its claims can be deduced from the axiom(s). From this paper it is clear thst hypothetical deductive model claims that these method requires a hypothesis to be made first. That is, a prediction is made with the expectation of its opposite to be the expected results. It is thus referred to as a falsification process since the hypotheses has to be proved not to be true but if it is done so, by the research to be true, then they are said to be collaborated by their predictions. In relation to the axiomatic account, this theory has its premise or the backdrop of reasoning in its hypothesis. More so, the hypothesis in the Hypothesis-Deductive theory is the basis of reasoning as compared to axiomatic account where the axiom is the premise for reasoning. What would be considered the best argument for scientific realism is the idea that scientific knowledge and ideas are progressive rather than retrogressive in nature. Therefore it is able to make predictions about an idea or an issue in question much successful. This element of scien tific realism makes it very much reliable as it is very clear to be followed since one aspect whether observable or unobservable leads to the other in a logical manner.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Remedial Reading Essay Example for Free

Remedial Reading Essay Proficient reading is an essential tool for learning a large part of the subject matter taught at school. Reading is the gateway to learning: without it, children cannot access a broad and balanced curriculum. Reading difficulties are associated with negative educational, employment and economic outcomes, making reading- related issues relevant to various policy domains. The negative effects of reading problems are well documented. There is evidence that reading disability is associated with social, economic and psychological problems. Traditional approaches to dealing with reading problems, such as tracing and grade retention, do not help ( especially if it going about dyslexic children. Remedial reading is an extremely important class for children who are struggling with reading. Because these children have difficulties reading, they generally do not like it. It is crucial for remedial reading teachers to make reading fun at the students level. This involved me to find interesting and lively reading materials. play games, use art and creativity during the lessons. First of all I determined the goals of remedial reading : Comprehension- understanding the meaning of words and sentences, integrating this meaning across texts and making inferences beyond the printed words. Decoding- converting printed words to spoken words. Phonics –linking sounds with letters and using these correspondences to read words. Teaching phonics takes account of the fact that there is not always a one-to-one correspondence between letters and sounds: ship has 4 letters, but only 3 sounds. Phonological awareness-awareness and manipulation of the sound structure of speech. This has different levels: syllables( foot-ball), onset-rime( f-oot-b-all), phonemes(f-oo-t-b-a-ll). Spelling and writing- mapping sounds to print, moving from individual letters, to groups of letters ( such as oa and sh), to word, to sentences . This support phonic knowledge for reading. Vocabulary- knowing the meaning of words. Fluency ( one of the major goals)- reading accurately and with sufficient speed. There is clear evidence that unless students become fluent in there ability to identify words, they will have difficulty concentrating their attention on comprehending and responding to the texts the read. I believe reading is an active, meaningful, constructive process. Students are taught to monitor their reading to ensure that what they are reading makes sense. This â€Å" mini remedial reading course† consists of 14 lessons. The duration of the lesson is 45 minutes. The type of the lessons is pupil-to teacher ratio. There is no question that one-to-one tutoring is the most powerful form of teaching invention. It seems highly likely that at least some children who are encountering very serious problems in learning to read need the intense support of one-to-one tutoring. For my lessons I was going to use the book â€Å" You Can Do It ! † by Dr Sharon Azaria. I chose it because the units in it are well- organized . Each unit consists of several reading rules, a text based on them reading comprehension and writing activities. New vocabulary is given as well. The types of texts are very predictable which is excellent in early intervention programs. They have recurring language patterns, and include repetition of language elements, which makes them easy for students to read. I think even children with very restricted word recognition capabilities can quickly begin to think of themselves as readers because they are successful with these predictable texts. It is great that the degree of predictability decreases from unit to unit to ensure that students attend to the printed texts in order to build a multifaceted word recognition strategy that will make them increasingly independent readers. I like the fact that texts and exercises become longer and more challenged as the reading capabilities of students grow. So there are many reasons to choose this book: length of texts, challenge of vocabulary, complexity of language, sophistication of concepts, etc. , so that students are challenged to apply the strategies and skills they are learning. MEANS OF TEACHING THE CHILD Texts are carefully selected and sequenced to ensure student success. The stories of the book â€Å" You Can Do It â€Å" contain a great amount of words with a letter or a letter combination on the topic of the lesson. It’s good they are followed by pictures. Reading for meaning . The book â€Å"You Can Do It† will provide me with a series of lessons which can be used as a very effective program for remedial reading. It reflects a model of reading as an active, meaningful, constructive process. Before-reading activities are used to build relevant background knowledge, concepts and vocabulary. With the help of this book the pupil will be taught to monitor his reading to ensure that what he is reading makes sense. The texts he’ll be asked to read are for enjoyment and for the information. Other activities are developed within the framework of reading for meaning. Reading for meaning is the constant point of reference. Intervention instruction is frequent, regular and of sufficient duration to make a difference. Weekly contact with a student ensures that progress is steady and allows me to become very familiar with the pupil and his strengths and needs. It also allows the teacher to reinforce and extend strategic behaviors that the student is acquiring. An instructional period of at least 15-20 minutes allows time for instruction and practice along a number of demonstrations that provide the pupil with the strategies he needs to become an effective reader. Pupil-to-teacher ratio. It seems reasonable to begin with group instruction for most students and to switch to individual instruction for those ones who have difficulty making progress. Word learning activities are used to help children become very familiar with print. Reading new texts and rereading familiar ones ensure that the pupil engages in meaningful, connected reading. This reading course (â€Å" I Can Do It†) includes activities that help students focus on and become familiar with printed words. The student is presented with the letters that form a word from a selection he read. Words are selected because they contain word identification elements that will be useful to the student. Progressively longer words are built from the letters. I can begin by asking the pupil to make take two letters and form the word ( for example the word â€Å"at† ). Next, he can be asked to add a letter to form rat, to change a letter to form cat, to rearrange the letters to form act. Using similar directions he can move through eat, ate, tea. Writing is used to teach and extend word identification skills. It has been recognized that asking students to write words ( not to copy them) is a very effective approach to developing word recognition and reading. For example, my pupil has difficulty with phonemic  awareness ( according to the test analysis) I can draw a box for each of the sounds in the word. The pupil is guided to think about the number of sounds in a word and the letters that represent those sounds. Activities completed at home extend student opportunities for reading. I always mention the importance of cooperation between home and school ( or individual lessons like in our case). Parents will be informed about the nature of our course and regularly updated on their child’s progress, and told about ways in which they can support the child and contribute to his progress. They can reread familiar texts for building fluency. I will care to send home only materials that the pupil can successfully respond to at home without teacher support. Again, the emphasis is on consistent success and the avoidance of failure. Conclusion: Every child has the right to develop into a thoughtful, competent reader. The remedial reading course ( the book â€Å" I Can Do It†) like many other programs calls for considerable teacher decision making, but within a well- defined sequence of instructional activities. When the pupil is reading aloud, I must decide when to coach a child in the use of strategic behavior and which strategies and skills to teach the child to use. When the pupil is writing, decisions must be about how and which forms of support should be given. Through the use of a regular sequence of activities, the pupil quickly come to know what will be happening in each instructional session and the order in which it will happen. Time is not lost in transition or deciding on activities.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Dietary Restriction in Judaism Essay Example for Free

Dietary Restriction in Judaism Essay Many scholars have attempted to explain not only the reasoning for the existence of Jewish dietary restrictions but how not conforming to them can be perceived as evil. Some have said that a hygienic component was the most important reason for these restrictions. Others have stated that it was a result of an attempt to preserving the Jewish culture from foreign influences. While others argue that it is a means to achieving holiness or purity. In her book Purity and Danger, Mary Douglas examines some of the arguments put forth by several scholars and theologians. In her examination, Douglas rejects most of the explanations and settles on the explanation that she believes to be the only one without contradiction, the idea of purity. To understand why Mary Douglas comes to the conclusion that she does, it is important to understand how she views the concept of â€Å"good† and â€Å"evil† or â€Å"purity† and â€Å"pollution†. Douglas places great emphasis on the idea of purity and how dirt defiles it. This is not always meant to be literal. Douglas makes the distinction between clinical views of dirt versus a symbolic ideal of pollution of purity. She points out that even though the two views come from completely different mindsets, they are much more closely related than it would initially appear when she says â€Å"†¦ the resemblance between some of their symbolic rites and our hygiene is sometimes uncannily close.†. Douglas was paramount in our understanding of how the concept of dirt plays an important role in our perception of social norms. These norms help to shape society by outlining boundaries that define what is good and what may be considered evil. â€Å"The public identification of â€Å"dirt† displays the boundaries of cultural categories†. When one performs an act that crosses these boundaries, it can be viewed as an act of defilement, which may be perceived as â₠¬Å"pollution† or â€Å"evil†. Ritual practice, in this case the dietary restriction, â€Å"†¦is an opportunity to remove things that are not acceptable from society† and attempt to restore purity. Some have cited the main purpose of the dietary restrictions as being for hygienic and health reasons. While Douglas does mention this as a contributing factor and admits that the restrictions have shown these benefits to exist, it is apparent that she feels that there are too many contradictions for this to be a completely valid argument for the existence of the restrictions. In regards to this mode of thought she states that â€Å"†¦ it is one thing to point out the side benefits of ritual actions, and another thing to be content with using the by-products as a sufficient explanation†. Douglas even goes as far as saying, â€Å"The only sound approach is to forget hygiene†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Some interpretations of these restrictions were based on the idea that the Jewish people were using them as a means to differentiate themselves from other groups of people. This could lead one to the conclusion that the sole reason for â€Å"†¦the prohibition on pigs was aimed at differentiating the Israelites from their nighbors†. In James’ work in The Priestly Conceptions of Evil in the Torah, he explains â€Å"People who are set apart by God to become holy are required to live by different rules than other people†. From this we are to understand that in order to become pure in the eyes of god, one must set themselves apart from others just as god has. In contradiction to this school of thought, Douglas points out that this concept is more of a product of mistranslation and that the term â€Å"set apart† should have really been translated as â€Å"holy†. This reinterpretation gives a different meaning to the scripture. It changes the focus from a means to an end to an expression of desire for one to be of the highest spiritual level. The Jewish people do not need to differentiate themselves from others to achieve holiness. Another conception is that these restrictions are being used as a means to preserve the purity of their culture from the influence of other cultures. If we are to believe this ideology we would be lead to believe that the introduction of customs from another group would cause the Jewish culture to become â€Å"dirty† or â€Å"impure† and therefore unholy. Douglas invalidates this argument when she says that the â€Å"†¦ argument cannot be comprehensive, for it is not held that the Israelites consistently rejected all the elements of foreign religions and invented something entirely original for themselves.†. The concept of purity is quite prevalent throughout Jewish literature and the ideals of their dietary restrictions. It is also the concept that Douglas believes best explains the necessity for dietary restriction in the Jewish faith. Purity of diet plays a large role in achieving a state of purity or avoiding pollution â€Å"†¦ the dietary laws would have †¦ inspired meditation on the oneness, purity and completeness of God† One of the main ideas is that all animals belong to one of three domains (the sky, the earth and the water) and have certain attributes that make them adapted to life in that domain (the wings of birds, the four legs and divided hoof of cows, or the scales and fins of a fish for example). Those that do not conform to one domain by some form of adaption that is deemed less fit for that domain and thereby violating its sanctity, are seen as â€Å"impure† or â€Å"dirty†. Another ideal of â€Å"purity† that must be upheld is the idea of confusion or mixing. Any animal that is mixed with another species is considered dirty just as the improper mixing of blood relatives is considered impure for it has brought forth confusion or disorder. James writes that â€Å"hybrids †¦ represent a return to the chaos that God banished in bringing order to the world.† Douglas says that â€Å"dirt is essentially disorder†. From this one could surmise that moving from order to disorder is akin to moving from â€Å"purity† to â€Å"dirt† or â€Å"good† to â€Å"evil†. As god brought order to the world, man must bring order to his life to be like god and therefore holy. Mary Douglas shows that the dietary restrictions of Jewish people consists of both a hygienic component as well as an element of â€Å"purity†. She does however favour the element of â€Å"purity† as there are some contradictions involving hygiene. Douglas uses her keen perception to analyze the theories proposed by others and uses sound logic to either validate or discredit them. She shares a similar view with James in regards to the idea of â€Å"pollution† of â€Å"purity†. Adhering to the dietary restrictions provides the practitioner with a means to attain and maintain a state of purity. Bibliography Barak-Erez, Daphne. Outlawed Pigs : Law, Religion, and Culture in Israel. Chicago: University of Wisconsin Press, 2007 Douglas, Mary. Purity and Danger. New York: Routledge, 2002 Hendel, Ronald. Remembering Mary Douglas: Kashrut, Culture, and Thought-Styles. Berkely: University of California, 2008 James, Gene G. The Priestly Conceptions of Evil in the Torah. Evil and the Response of World Religion. Ed. William Cenkner. St. Paul, Minn: Paragon House, 1997 Weimer, Jade. â€Å"Mary Douglas’ work.† Class lecture, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 8, 2012.

The Problems In The Emergency Department Of Services

The Problems In The Emergency Department Of Services The report contains the actual hypothetical findings from which every prospective general public can benefit because the hospital is basically for public. The drastic differences between the government and private hospitals have revolutionized the private hospitals by creating more competition day by day. This report will discuss all the problems and issues of the Emergency Department of Services Hospital. This report has been accomplished by analyzing the recruitment statistics for Emergency Department as well as their whole process of their methodology. There were several problems in the department which we observed. This report will discuss about the patient problems, doctor problems, facilities, corruption and the hygiene environment and it will also discuss their solutions. The word hospital comes from the Latin hopes which refers to either a visitor or the host who receives the visitor. From hopes came the Latin hospitalia, an apartment for strangers or guests, and the medieval Latin hospitale. Hospital Hospital only took on its modern meaning as an institution where sick or injured are given medical or surgical care Emergency It is a place where person got first aid and doctors suggestion immediately Background Lahore is the second largest city of Pakistan. It is the Capital of Province, Punjab. Lahore has many hospitals and services hospital is one of them. It is located in Jail road, near Punjab cardiology. Before giving a brief introduction about services hospital I want to tell you about the hospital. In 1958 a separate outpatient department of Mayo hospital, was setup for the government employees. In 1960 it was converted into 55 beds and named as Wahdat hospital. It had medical and surgical facilities together with laboratory and X-rays unit. Later on it was named as Services Hospital. In 1977 it was became the teaching hospital of the Llama Iqbal medical college and now it has its own medical college known as SIMS. It was declared autonomous institute in 1999. In order to make to make the emergency department fully functional, a comprehensive ATLS training progress undergraduate MBBS and nursing student is being organized. In addition staff working in the emergency department is being trained on regular basis to handle emergency patients and disaster victims. The description of problems is the patients problems that what kind of problems are being faced by patients. Hygiene environment that what is the current condition of hygiene in the department. Facilities that kind of facilities are being provided to doctors, staff and patients and the corruption. This research proposes to study the major problems of Emergency Hospital and to find out the causes of these problems, to find out what improvements have taken place in the past for the betterment of this department from 2005-2009 As Services Hospital is one of the biggest and oldest Hospital of Lahore; and is currently facing many problems that are why a detailed research must be conducted, so that we should be able to make people and the Government aware from the situation of the hospital. The scope of this research is to cover all the major problems that the Emergency Department is currently facing like environment pollution, hygiene/ cleanliness, patients problems, doctors and staff problem, security, parking, and then to find out what steps can be taken to solve these problems. We divided the problems among group members. Each member contains two domain. Sundus Farooq has covered the Problems of patients and Hygiene environment. Ahsan Akram covered the Facilities and Corruption. Literature Review One thing is for sure the people who are living near the hospital face many problems. One of the big is the dispose of syringes and other material near the residential areas which creates many problems and causes severe kind of diseases. We were searching the newspapers to get some information about the hospitals. We got various regarding the issues about the hospitals, but we are just writing the two news. One thing is for sure the people who are living near the hospital face many problems. One of the big issue is the disposed of syringes and other material near the residential areas which creates many problems and can cause multiple diseases. (Ali Raza, 2010) also discuss the problem of waste disposed. He said that the Environment Protection Department (EPD) has initiated legal action against hospitals for disposing hospital waste in residential skins on Jail Road. The sources EPD said that first we would issue Environmental Protection Orders (EPO) after which the case will send to the Environmental Tribunal. The EPD said that they had too many complaints that surgimed was disposing of its hazardous medical waste in the local garbage container. Experts say the reuse of hospital waste posses serious threat to the health of citizens besides the workers and other people affiliated with the recycling purposes. If the infected content is not disposed properly, it will causes many fatal diseases like Hepatitis and AIDS, Beside this it will also causes skin ,respiratory and eye diseases. Sources discover that private parties bring tons of infectious hospital waste from across the province in the city for recycling purposes. They bring these waste packets in sacks through trucks. Mafia is also involved in all this. A senior official of CDGL Environment department said that hazardous and waste material, earning more than Rs 15 million per day out of which the value of Lahore waste was more than Rs 5 million per day. We analyze that their waste material is causing many problems.) There should be taken some steps by the managements of hospitals to control all this. In another article the author discusses the emergency department. The facilities which are mostly provide in every emergency department of hospital. The author said the emergency departments require different equipments and approaches than most other hospital division. Patients frequently with unstable conditions and so, must be treated quickly. They may be unconscious, and information such as their medical history, allergies, and blood type may be unavailable. Emergency Department staff are trained to work quickly and effectively even with minimal information. . They may be unconscious, and information such as their medical history, allergies, and blood type may be unavailable. Emergency Department staff are trained to work quickly and effectively even with minimal information. . They may be unconscious, and information such as their medical history, allergies, and blood type may be unavailable. Emergency Department staff are trained to work quickly and effectively even with minimal information) Research Questions Primary Research Question What are the present conditions prevailed at the emergency department of services hospital Lahore? Subsidiary Research Questions Q1:- What is the emergency department? Q2:- How many doctors are available at a time in emergency department? Q3:- what is the qualification of the employees of the department i.e are they fresh graduates or senior doctors? Q4:- Where and how  are the syringes and other waste material disposed? Q5:- What is the method of sterilizing the surgical instrument? Q6:- Why do people complain about non-availability of doctors? Q7:- What facilities are being provided to the doctors? Q8:- At the time of an emergency such as a blast, how do doctors  handle the large number of casualties? Q9:- What is the quality of  the sterilization? Q10:- What is the condition of machinery and equipment in the department? Q11:- Does the dept, provide any research and teaching facility? Q12:- Why do patients mostly prefer this hospital even though  it is far from their houses? Method Sample We have taken the sample of 50 by distributing the questionnaire. Data Collection The primly source of data will be collected through questionnaire and interviews with different people having different opinions. Most of the secondary data and information is obtained from electronic sources, annual reports, news papers, articles, case studies, books, and journals. Research Tools The research tools are field study, distributing questionnaire; and then finally taking interview from the Dr.Mushtaq Khataq (DMS of Services Hospital) and the interview from the of affectee. Field study This will be general source of data collection in which the data will be represented on the basis of our personal experience in the same field. Time frame For the research we did field study on January 19, 2010; we started our work on January 22, 2010. We have taken interview on March 25, 2010 from the D.M.S of Services Hospital and from the affectee and we have also distributed the questionnaire on March 10, 2010. Date of Interviews March 25,2010 Date of dist. Of Questionnaire March 10,2010 Rough Draft March 20,2010 Final Draft April 2, 2010 Date of Submission April 12, 2010 Analysis of Data and Discussion We visited the services hospital 3 to 4 times to evaluate the condition of the emergency department. In our first survey we had observed a lot of issue. The main problem which we faced was parking. There was no empty place for parking in the hospital. People parked their car according to their on will. There was no well organized order for parking and even had no security arrangements. One can easily steal your vehicles. Other issues were: we heard that there should not be noise and crowd in the parameters of hospital, but there was too much noise and it was overcrowded. There was no place to stand for one second in emergency department of the Services Hospital. Numerous people were standing there which had nothing to do their. They were sitting their ideally and even not giving the seat to any patients. Patients problems The emergency department of the Services Hospital is double story but still it was considered an insufficient place for patients. Numerous patients were sitting in the floor. There were insufficient beds in the emergency department and also there was no place for the relatives of patients or visitors. The visitors or relatives were also sitting with the patient on the bed. Nobody was asking them that not to sit here. With every patient there was 2 or 3 person who had made the emergency department overcrowded and noisy. Doctors and nurses were not asking anything to them. Even many visitors were standing in the way of a patient which was making many difficulties for patients. We saw from our own eyes that a patient was in the bed, he was on drip in his arm. He was screaming with pain but doctors were not examining him even not his relatives. The reason of his screaming was that his mother was also sitting on bed and she was continuously shaking the bed due to which the drip stand was moving and the patient gets pain, nobody feels that. There was numerous patients which were sitting in line and waiting for their turn mean while their came one gentleman with his two security guards. The doctors left the list of patient and moved towards him to examine him first, though he did not have any big problem. He just had the minor headache. There was a medical store in the Emergency Department but there were insufficient medicines in the medical store. The person who was sitting in the medical store was giving the patients alternative medicines instead of giving them the prescribed medicines and when the patients asked him he argued with them vaguely. We went to the person who was sitting in the medical store. We asked him that why you are giving alternative medicines instead of the prescribed one. He said that those medicines also had the same effect. We asked him that we know this and it is fine if you do not have the 2 or 3 prescribed medicines but you are giving every patient alternative medicine. We asked him why the prescribed medicines are not available and who is fallible for this? He said very ambiguously no one is responsible for this. The medical store of Emergency Department needs variety of medicines. The medicines which were available were not enough. Hygiene Environment After the medical store we observed the hygiene environment in the Emergency Department of the Services Hospital. The condition of the cleanliness in the Department was satisfactory. There were 2 or 3 sweepers present in the department who cleaned the floor after an hour. Patients were throwing trash in the dustbins, but still there was a stingy smell in the Emergency Department and also wrappers were lying in the floor. The sweepers were using a kind of acid (final) to clean the floor and the microscopic germs but it had a very strong smell, which caused headache. The condition of some patients was becoming critical due to the smell of that acid. The doctors and other was throwing the used syringes and other disposed material into the dustbin which was collected by the sweeper after some time and there was a room where the sweepers throw the disposed material and outside of that room. There was written Dispose Room. The dispose room was locked. The management told us that this dispo sed material is very useful after process of purification it uses for several purposes. In the news paper it was written that the government had sent notice to many hospital in which services hospital was also cleared that their method of disposed material was not right. It is dangerous for the residential areas and for the other people. Patients problems On our second survey, we went to the patients and general public to know their problems and issues. Numerous people had many problems with doctors and nurses and some were completely satisfied with the current situation of Emergency Department and also from the doctors and staff. People said that commonly doctors did not come on time and also did not examine them with complete satisfaction. Patients also told that sometime doctors did not tell them the actual disease. Patients said that doctors are also running their personal clinic due to which they mostly came late or suggest them to come to their personal clinic. People said that the doctors are earnings good revenue from their personal clinics. They also said that doctors did not take interest in them that means sometime do not become satisfied with the doctors. After the discussion with patients about the doctors we started to discuss with people about the staff. 30% of people said that the staff does not take the good care of t he patient. They do not listen anybody an also discern between the people. They pleased the well known and rich people and often ignore the middle class or poor people. Numerous people said that they did not have any sense that how to talk with the patients and the visitors. Patients said that the staff do what they want to do. It totally depend on them that what they want to do. They do not listen to anybody and sometime they quarreled with other staff during their duty times which create disturbance for the other patients. Some people point out that the character of the staff is not good. One patient told us that he caught one nurse who had stolen his mobile. Some patients had no issue with the staff. They were satisfied with the behavior of the staff. They said that the staff is caring, but 80% protest against the staff and doctors behavior. When we came out from the Emergency Department we have seen that there is just one ambulance standing outside the emergency. When we asked about it to the management they replied that the ambulances are standing in front of different departments. Then we asked from the management how many ambulances are available at a time in the hospital. They told us that there are 8 ambulances present every time, and they also told us the process that how ambulances reach to the given addressed. They select person who can drive fast but not rough and who also know the all way of the city. We asked if by chance no ambulance is present or if you need more ambulances then what you do? They told us if we need more ambulances then we asked for it to others departments and if no ambulance is present at a time then we have the record and numbers of all the drivers. We just call them and said them to reach in the addressed immediately. After our second and third surveys we went in the parameters to fill the questionnaires. The sample size of the questionnaire was 40.The questionnaire was distributed among the general public and patients in the Emergency Department in of the Services Hospital. On that survey we again find to talk with the different peoples. We all divided the questionnaire among over selves and float it among people. We first filled questionnaire from the student of that Hospital (SIMS). They were girl students. She prefers the private hospital because she said that there were more facilities and good hygiene environment. She said that in the condition of emergency she will prefer to come to Services Hospital because she is student of this Hospital and she know the staff and get good care and discount here. Then we filled our questionnaire from the nurse she said that salary of staff should be increased so that the staff can work with more diligence. She also said that there should be more arrangements for cleanliness and management Numerous people told us that we came here because it is cheaper than other hospital. We discuss all these problems with the doctors. Doctors said us that though we are running the personal clinic but we checked the patients of here with our complete satisfaction. we also filled our questionnaire fr om the doctor and the doctor also prefer the private hospital and said that the private hospitals had better facilities and take good care of the patients, he also accept that the government hospitals are not in better conditions. 95% people told us that there is too much corruption. You need high reference or any other kind of source to meet the doctors. We also use the resource and reference to meet the Principle of the hospital. We face too many problems to take the interview from the authority. Nobody was ready to give us interview. They thought that we were also the member of press then after a lot of struggle they just give us the permission to take the interview of DMS and make the movie of emergency department in a condition. Ahsan Akram conducted the interview. The expression of DMS was very offensive. He just wanted to get rid of this. Ahsan asked many questions from him. He answered in vey good attitude. He told us that us that the number of doctors presents depend on the quantity of patients. Sometime patients are large in amount and sometime there are fewer amounts of patients. He also told us that in the time of emergency we made the Emergency Department large, we discharge patients who had recover maximum, shifts the other patients in to the ward and we bring the more beds and call the more doctors. He also told us that there is a separate department where the whole surgical instruments were sent for sterilization. Facilities A satisfactory number of facilities are providing to the patients, doctors, nurses and the relatives of the patients. Some of them are listed below There is an outside counter present from where a patient has to receive his/her file. This file maintains record of the patient. Every patient has to buy his/her file in Rupees 10 only. There is a guard and a ward boy present at the gate of the each emergency. There is nursing counter from where patients can get information. Nurse is always present on the table. If a patient or relative of the patient have any query then he/she might talk to the nurse from the nursing counter. There is a special monitoring room present where every one cannot enter with shoes and patients relatives are also not allowed in special monitoring room. Monitoring room is the room where patients can be checked with full care and attention. Monitoring room is like a small operation Theater. There are 20 beds available for men and 11 beds are available only for women. Total capacity of beds 20+11=31. There are three counters of nurses from where patients or the relative of patient can get information. Emergency department is fully air condition. Patients do not feel uncomfortable during treatment. There are two separate waiting rooms for the relatives of the patients in the surgical emergency of the hospital. 9 persons can sit in one waiting room and 24 people can sit in the second waiting room. There is an X-Ray room present in the surgical Emergency. So patient can X-Ray themselves immediately. There is an Ultrasound room present in the surgical emergency only for surgical emergency patients. This facility is very good facility for patients because they do not have to travel from one place to another. They immediately get their medicines, X-ray, ultrasound in the emergency. Pharmacy is also present in the surgical emergency. There is a changing room. Small Operation Theater is also present in the emergency. 3 ward boys, 5 nurses, 6 post graduate students and 4 house officers are present in the surgical emergency all the time. There is blood bank present in the surgical emergency. Patient can take blood from the blood bank. If a patient is bleeding due to accident on the road and he needs a bottle of blood then he can take blood from the blood bank. There is a nursing head office. Head is always present in the room. There is a gents and ladies toilet present in the surgical emergency of the services hospital but they are not separate from each other. There is a prayer area in which 4 people can Offer their Pray at one time. There is a children emergency ward present in the medical emergency. 24 beds are present in the children emergency room. There are 27 beds present for men and 28 beds are present in the women area. There is a guard and a ward boy present at the gate of the each emergency. There are two separate wash rooms are available in the medical emergency of the services hospital. There is a Parmonology ward present in the medical emergency of the services hospital. There are security cameras present everywhere in the medical emergency of the hospital and TV`s are present in the DMS of the Medical Emergency DMS is always watching that what is happening everywhere Problems There is infinite number of problems present in the emergency. Some of them are given below. There are 20 beds present for men and 11 beds for women only. The number of beds is too small. They should increase the number of beds in the surgical emergency. Patents have to wait for the empty bed. Mostly 2 patents are present on the single bed. In a critical situation (such as bomb blast in the city) 100-150 injured person came to the emergency but the staff and doctors cannot handle that injured people. Administration of the hospital should take steps to increase the number of doctors and nurses. There are men and women toilet present in the surgical emergency but they are not separated from each other. They should be separated from each other because women need a separate washroom. They feel shy to enter in men`s washroom. Head should take action and make 2 toilets for men and two toilets for women separately. In the medical emergency there are two separated toilets but. There is a leakage of water from the upper roof in the washroom. There is one wash room which has no lock. Washrooms are in very bad situation. Washrooms are in very poor condition. No exhaust fans are present to clean the atmosphere. Administration should take notice and give new sinks to the women`s toilet and put at least 2 to 3 exhaust fans in the toilet so the cleanliness of the washroom. Cat is wondering in the medical emergency. No one was there to take off that cat. Animals are free to move in the emergency. Head should heir a person who can control all this problems. Corruption Corruption is present everywhere in our country. It is very difficult to handle corruption. Everyone wants black money. There is too much attraction in black money. Sometimes very responsible and honest person wants black money. It is in human nature. Man wants more, more and more money. Corrupted people do not care that it is HALAAL or HARAAM money. It is very difficult to control corruption but our leaders and heads can control this bad habit. (((Corruption is primarily of two types, Need Based Corruption (NBC) and the Greed Based Corruption (GBC). Both are found in the public as well as private sectors. NBC takes its birth in the lower echelons of the bureaucracy or in poor people who are not paid enough to fulfill their needs and on the top of it also not provided with the subsidized amenities and facilities by the government. Imagine the plight of one such functionary whose child is seriously ill and he has no money even to buy him the medicine! He would do anything to save the life of his child, let alone corruption. I am not trying to justify the NBC, but it needs to be seriously looked into. To control NBC government should increase the salary of poor people and try to give subsidies to them. According to Corruption rate of Pakistan is 2.1. When our researcher team visited the emergency department, patients said us that there is too much corruption present in the emergency of Services hospital. Patients have to give money to the staff to get bed in the Emergency. They have to give money to staff to get the bottles of blood. They have to give money to the nurses to get quick response from them. They have to give money to get medicines. There is too much corruption present in the hospital. Administration should increase the salary of nurses and ward boys. They should give facilities so that ward boy s and nurses leave to earn black money from patients. They want black money because they do not get their salary on time. The amount (price) is increasing of goods day by day. Workers cannot afford to buy anything in a limited amount of salary. Controller of the hospital should increase the salary to control the corruption. When they ask for money from the patient then patient cannot do anything expects giving them money becau se on that time patient is in very bad condition and needs help. In my opinion corruption is of two types. First one is NBC and the second one is covetousness. We have to control all of them by taking strong steps. Services Hospital should hair at least 3 to 4 people who do nothing but they must see what is happening very where. They should control the emergency department. They can control the corruption. If the administrations of the services hospital do nothing to control the corruption then it will increase daily. No doubt corruption is increasing daily but if we do not control now then it will be very dangerous for us. It is our duty to control corruption in the hospital level. If we do not control the corruption in the hospital yet, then what will we say to our new generation? It is our country our hospital we have to control all this. Controller of the emergency should control all this and they can control by haring the team of responsible persons. Security Pakistanis are known as terrorist now-a-days due to some groups or parties who played negative role in a society and made bomb blasts in every look and corner of the city. Lahore is in very critical situation. In 2007, 1,503 terrorist attacks and clashes, including all the suicide attacks, target killings and assassinations, resulted in 3,448 casualties and 5,353 injuries, according to the PIPS security report. These casualties figure 128 percent and 491.7 percent higher as compared with 2006 and 2005, respectively. The report states that Pakistan faced 60 suicide attacks during 2007, which killed at least 770, besides injuring another 1,574 people. In 2008, the country saw 2,148 terrorist attacks, which caused 2,267 fatalities and 4,558 injuries. Human Right Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) in its annual report indicated that there were at least 67 suicide attacks across Pakistan killing 973 people and injuring 2,318. 2009, the worst of any year, 2,586 terrorist, insurgent and sectaria n-related incidents were reported that killed 3,021 people and injured 7,334, according to the Pakistan Security Report 2009 published by PIPS. These casualties figure 48 percent higher as compared to 2008. On the other hand, the rate of suicide attacks surged by one third to 87 bombings that killed 1,300 people and injured 3,600. There is a small list of bomb blasts occurred in Lahore Pakistan from past 3 years shown below. This list is too small and short. 2010 No. Date Place Killed Injured 1 March 08 Model Town / Lahore 15 80 2 March 12 RA Bazaar / Lahore 57 90 TOTAL   72 170 *Data till March 15, 2010 2009 Sl. No. Date Place Killed Injured 1 May 27 CCPO-ISI offices / Lahore 27 326 2 November 2 Lahore 1 25 3 December 7 Moon Market / Lahore 45 100 TOTAL   73 451 2008 Sl. No. Date Place Killed Injured 1 January 10 Lahore High Court 24 80 2 March 4 Pakistan Navy War College / Lahore 8 24 3 March 11 FIA regional headquarters / Lahore 30 200 4 August 13 Dubai Chowk / Lahore 9 35 TOTAL   71 339 There is only security guard present at the gate of emergency of the services hospital Lahore Pakistan. They have no security cameras on the gate. They have no security gates and security alarms. They have no instruments to check the person. There is no security guard present on the main gate of the services hospital Lahore Pakistan. Anyone can enter and can freely move in the hospital. Any terrorist can enter in the hospital and do anything what he wants to do. Controller of the hospital should take steps to avoid this. They have to hair security guards who will check every person entering in the hospital. They should fix security cameras everywhere. No doubt it is a government hospital. There is a lack of money but if the authority does not do something for security then it will prove very dangerous for us and for all citizens. Our leaders use 40 % of security. They cannot move in the city without having security with them. No doubt their lives are very important but they should pr ovide some security to the hospital. When our researcher team entered in the services hospital, we observed many things. Few of them are listed below. There was no parking at that place. Streets were poor in condition. Patients were sitting on the road of the hospital. Some of them are sitting on the stairs of the hospital. Cats are wondering on the roads of the hospital. There were countless people present in the emergency of the hospital. Space of e

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Robot Lobstrocities :: Technology Machines Papers

Robot Lobstrocities â€Å"Check this out,† Joseph Ayers, a biology professor at Northeastern University says as he turns on his laptop. The soundtrack from the 1975 film, "Jaws" plays in the background. On the screen is a grainy image of a moving creature lumbering towards a huge pile of bricks, easily maneuvering itself over them. The music reaches its climactic conclusion and a lethal claw dominates the screen. Fortunately it’s not a monster; it’s just a lobster. For Ayers, lobsters are fascinating creatures that has inhabited his life for most of his career. For more than a decade his team has worked on building a fully autonomous robotic lobster with the same behavioral patterns of the real thing. Funded largely by the US Navy, the hope is that it will one day be used for underwater mine detection as a less expensive and more efficient system to current methods. Hours were spent analyzing lobster behavior and its legs, claws, abdomen and tail movements. These observations were then converted into mathematical components, correlating the movements with the nerve signals that actuated them. In essence it makes a computer program act as the lobster’s brain. A big step from the field of artificial intelligence, the project is all about reverse engineering the biological functions nature has taken thousands of years to evolve and develop. â€Å"We’re probably one of the few laboratories in the world to get artificial muscles to work. To actually control a freely behaving robot. The other thing that’s different about our robot is that it really is controlled by the rules the nervous system works by, instead of the list of instructions to control the behavior, unlike AI based robots,† said Ayers. Starting out as a young biologist from California, Ayers is now one of forefront researchers of biomimetics, which takes ideas from nature and implements them into new technology. His project stemmed from his graduate days when he first studied the behavior of the lobster. Both sides of Ayer’s office are crammed with books on marine biology. It is a typical college professor’s office, except for the lobster claw mobile hanging from the ceiling. On the wall, a child’s drawing of lobster. A Superman comic book featuring, the Lobster Man. It’s obvious that Ayers has an affinity with these crustaceans. He admires their nervous system and adaptability to the sea. Their complex movements and ability to move on every surface of the sea floor.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Experiment :: essays research papers

The Experiment The Experiment was written based off the moral war between whether or no cloning is right. It involves three main people: Jude, Skyler and Tizzie. Jude is a newspaper reporter and has been dating Tizzie for quite awhile. Tizzie is a doctor who studies twins and the different types. Jude was doing a newspaper article and that was how he met Tizzie. He had to get information for the article and was told that Tizzie was the person to talk to when it came to twins. She happened to be a highly recognized doctor in that field. While all of this is going on in New York, Skyler, Jude’s clone, is living on an island with many other clones, even though they don’t know they’re clones. Skyler and his best friend discover that something happening on the island was wrong and dangerous. They plan on an escape, but Skyler’s friend dies in the attempt. Skyler grows up there and falls in love with one of the females on the island who happened to be Tizzie’s clone. Sk yler and Tizzie’s clone decide that they want to find out what has really been going on, on that island for so long. They dig through the offices trying to find just the smallest bit of information that could help them in their search. One day Skyler was out and felt that something was amiss. So that no one would know of Skyler and the girl’s search they conjured up a way to secretly communicate when to meet each other and where. It involved a rock, a tree and where the rock was place by the tree. Well, when Skyler got the chance he went to check on the rock because he hadn’t seen his love in a very long time. Later he finds out that she was killed in â€Å"The Lab† with all of her organs taken. He managed to escape the island and make it to the mainland. After a long while he made his way to New York and found out that he looked exactly like a man he saw in the newspaper†¦ Jude. Meanwhile, Jude has his own struggles with being stalked by large men w ith white streaks in their hair. One night, Skyler finds out where Jude lives and decides to take a visit. Just is very startled when he first meets him, but gradually gets use to the idea that they were either twins or clones.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Cold War - The Changing Relationship of the Superpowers :: American America History

Cold War - The Changing Relationship of the Superpowers The United States and Soviet Union, the single most important rivalry of the twentieth century, started as a partnership. This irony was caused by the fact that the Germans were taking over Europe, which forced them in this relationship. Once Hitler was eliminated and Berlin destroyed, the tensions began rising. These two nations had completely opposite ideologies from the economic system to the political system. The changing relationship has evolved from a forced partnership, a possible world war and now finally a steadying friendship. The entire world was watching as the Cold War went from moments of dà ©tente, to hours at the brink of world war three. The Germans and the Russian had an alliance at the beginning of the war but Hitler turned on the Soviets. This caused the Soviets to join the British and American side and led the advance on Germany from two fronts. The German war machine kept this alliance at bay only for so long before the two nations destroyed Berlin. The Soviets were already keeping control of all that was east of Germany, and this was causing the United States great anxiety due to the fact that communism was spreading. A great sense of relief came to the United States as the Nuclear Age began with the Manhattan Project and the Bombing of Japan. Stalin was now afraid that the United States would one-day force capitalist ideas upon Mother Russia, until the most intriguing aspect of the cold war came along, spies. A great change came when in the early 1950's the Soviets started testing their own nuclear weapon. The United States could not understand how they had their own nuclear weapon so quickly; the answer today is so simple the plans were stolen. All aspects of life for the United States and the Soviets were to beat each other. Tensions stayed high in the Olympics, the space race, ICBM's, the Korean and Vietnam wars. The highest point of tension during the entire Cold War was the Cuban Missile Crisis. Up until this point the Soviet sphere of influence did not reach into the Western Hemisphere except for the spies. Castro had now changed this paradigm, allowing Soviet missiles to be set-up in Cuba. This is the point at which most people believed we were closest to a total Nuclear War. The real protection from this possible total war was known as MAD.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Motivation Case Study on Gp Essay

When people join an organization, they bring with them certain drives and needs that affect their on-the-job performance. Sometimes these are immediately apparent, but often they not only are difficult to determine and satisfy but also vary greatly from one person to another. Understanding how needs create tensions which stimulate effort to perform and how effective performance brings the satisfaction of rewards is useful for managers. Several approaches to understanding internal drives and needs within employees are examined in the chapter. Each model makes a contribution to our understanding of motivation. All the models share some similarities. In general, they encourage managers not only to consider lower-order, maintenance, and extrinsic factors but to use higher-order, motivational, and intrinsic factors as well. Behavior modification focuses on the external environment by stating that a number of employee behaviors can be affected by manipulating their consequences. The alternative consequences include positive and negative reinforcement punishment, and extinction. Reinforcement can be applied according to either continuous or partial schedules. A blending of internal and external approaches is obtained through consideration of goal setting. Managers are encouraged to use cues—such as goals that are accepted, challenging, and specific—to stimulate desired employee behavior. In this way, goal setting, combined with the reinforcement of performance feedback, provides a balanced approach to motivation. . : . Additional approaches to motivation presented in this chapter are the expectancy and equity models. The- expectancy model states that motivation is a product of how much one wants something-and the probabilities that effort will lead to task accomplishment and reward. The formula is valence X expectancy X instrumentality = motivation. Valence is the strength of a person’s preference for an outcome. Expectancy is the strength of belief that one’s effort will be successful in accomplishing a task. Instrumentality is the strength of belief that successful performance will be followed by a reward. The expectancy and equity motivational models relate specifically to the  employee’s intellectual processes. The equity model has a double comparison in it a match between an employee’s perceived inputs and outcomes, coupled with a comparison with some referent person’s rewards for her or his input level. In addition, employees use the procedural justice model to assess the fairness of how rewards are distributed. Managers are encouraged to combine the perspectives of several models to create a complete motivational environment for their employees. Motivation: Motivation is the set of internal & external forces that cause an employee to choose a course of action and engage in certain behavior. A Model of Motivation : Although a few spontaneous human activities occur without motivation, nearly all conscious behavior is motivated or caused. Growing hair requires no motivation, but getting a haircut does. Eventually, anyone will fall asleep without motivation (although parents with young children may doubt this), but going to bed is a conscious act requiring motivation manager’s job is to identify employees’ drives and needs and to channel their behavior, to motivate them, toward task performance. The role of motivation in performance is summarized in the model of motivation in Figure 5.1. Internal needs and drives create tensions that are affected by one’s environment. For example, the need for food produces a tension of hunger. The hungry person then Environment Opportunity Needs and drive Tension Effont Performance Rewards Goals and incentive Ability Need satisfaction FIGURE 5.1 A Model of Mitivation examines the surroundings to see which foods (external incentives) are available to satisfy that hunger. Since environment affects one’s appetite for particular kinds of food a South Seas native may want roast fish, whereas a Colorado rancher may prefer grilled steak. Both persons are ready to achieve their goals, but they will seek different foods to satisfy their needs. This is an example of both individual differences and cultural influences in action. As we saw in the formulas in Chapter 1, potential performance (P) is a product of ability (A) and motivation (M). Results occur when motivated employs are provided with the opportunity (such as the proper training) to perform and the resources (such as the proper tools) to do so. The presence of goals and the awareness of incentives to satisfy one’s needs are also powerful motivational factors leading to the release of effort. When an employee is productive and the organization takes note of it, rewards will be distributed. If those rewards are appropriate in nature, timing, and distribution, the employee’s original needs and drives are satisfied. At that time, new needs may emerge and the cycle will begin again. It should be apparent, therefore, that an important starting point lies in understanding employee needs. Several traditional approaches to classifying drives and needs are presented first; these models attempt to help managers understand how employees’ internal needs affect their subsequent behaviors. These historical approaches are logically followed by a discussion of a systematic way of modifying employee behavior thought the use of rewards that satisfy those needs. Achievement Motivation Achievement motivation is a drive some people have to pursue and attain goals. An individual with this drive wishes to achieve objectives and advance up the ladder of success. Accomplishment is seen as important primarily for its own sake, not just for the rewards that accompany. A number of characteristic define achievement-oriented employees. They work harder when they perceive that they will receive personal credit for their efforts, when the risk of failure is only moderate, and when they receive specific feedback about their past performance,. People with a high drive  for achievement take responsibility for their actions and results, control their destiny, seek regular feedback, and enjoy being part of a winning achievement through individual or collective effort. As managers, they tend to export that their employees will also be oriented toward achievement. These high expectations sometime make it difficult for achievement-oriented managers to delegate effectively and for â€Å"average† employees to satisfy their manager’s demands. Affiliation Motivation : Affiliation motivation is a drive to relate to people on a social basis. Comparisons of achievement-motivation employees with affiliation-motivation employees illustrate how the two patterns influence behavior. Achievement-oriented people work harder when their supervisors provide detailed evaluations of their work behavior. But people with affiliation motives work better when they are compli9mentions of their work behavior. But people with affiliation motives work better when they are complimented for their favorable attitudes and cooperation. Achievement-motivated people select assistants who are technically capable, with little regard for personal feelings about them; those who are affiliation-motivated tend to select friends and likable people to surround them. They receive inner satisfactions from being with friends, and they want the job freedom to develop those relationships. Managers with strong needs for affiliation may have difficulty being effective managers. -Although a high concern for positive social relationships usually results in a cooperative work environment where employees genuinely enjoy working together, managerial overemphasis on the social dimension may interfere with the vital process of getting things done-. Affiliation-oriented managers may have difficulty assigning challenging tasks, directing work activities, and monitoring work effectiveness. Power Motivation Power motivation is a drive to influence people, take control, and change situations. Power-motivated people wish to create an impact on their organizations and are willing to take risks to do so. Once this power is obtained, it may be used either constructively or destructively. Power-motivated people make excellent managers if their drives are for  institutional power instead of personal power. Institutional power is the need to influence others’ behavior for the good of the whole organization. People with this need seek power through legitimate means, rise to leadership positions through successful performance, and therefore are accepted by others. However, if an employee’s drives are toward personal power, that person tends to lose the trust and respect of employees and colleagues and be an unsuccessful organizational leader. Managerial Application of the Drives Knowledge of the differences among the three motivational drives requires managers to think contingently and to understand the work attitudes of each employee. They can then deal with employees differently according to the strongest motivational drive that they identify in each employee. In this way, the supervisor communicates with each employee according to that particular person’s needs. As one employee said, â€Å"My supervisor talks to me in my language.† Although various tests can be used to identify the strength of employee drives, direct observation of employees’ behavior is one of the best methods for determining what they will respond to. HUMAN NEEDS When a machine malfunctions, people recognize that it needs something. Managers try to find the causes of the breakdown in an analytical manner based on their knowledge of the operations and needs of the machine. Types of Needs Needs may be classified in various ways. A simple classification is (1) basic physical needs, called primary needs, and (2) social and psychological needs, called secondary needs. The physical needs include food, water, sex, sleep, sir, and reasonably comfortable temperature. These needs arise from the basic requirements of life and are important for survival of the human race. They are, therefore, virtually universal, but they vary in intensity from one person to another. For example, a child needs much more sleep than an older person., . Needs also are conditioned by social practice. If it is customary to eat three meals a day, then a person tends to become hungry for three, even  though two might be adequate. If a coffee hour is introduced in the morning, then that becomes a habit of appetite satisfaction as well as a social need. Secondary needs are more vague because they represent needs of the mind and spirit rather than of the physical body. Many of these needs are developed as people mature. Examples are needs that pertain to self-esteem, sense of duty, competitiveness, self-assertion, and lo giving, belonging, and receiving affection. The secondary needs are those that complicate the motivational efforts of managers. Nearly any action that management takes will affect secondary needs; (here/ore, managerial planning should consider the effect of any proposed action on the secondary needs of employees, Here are seven key conclusions about secondary needs. They: 0 Are strongly conditioned by experience 1 Vary in type and intensity among people 2 Are subject to change across time within any individual 3 Cannot usually be isolated, but rather work in combination and influence one another. 4 Are often hidden from conscious recognition 5 Are vague feelings as opposed to specific physical needs 6 Influence behavior in powerful ways Whereas the three motivational drives identified earlier were not grouped in any particular pattern, the three major theories of human/needs -presented in the following sections attempt to classify those needs. At least implicitly, the theories of Maslow, Hertzberg, and Alerter build on the distinction between primary and secondary needs. Also, there are some similarities as well as important differences among the three, approaches. Despite their limitations, all three approaches to human needs help create an important basis for the more advanced motivational models to be discussed later. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs According to A. H. Maslow, human needs are not of equal strength, and they emerge in a definite sequence. In particular, as the primary needs become reasonably well satisfied, a person places more emphasis on the secondary needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs focuses attention on five levels.This  hierarchy is briefly presented and then interpreted in the following sections. Lower-Order Needs First-level needs involve basic survival and include physiological needs for food, air, water, and sleep. The second need level that tends to dominate is bodily safety (such as freedom from a dangerous work environment) and economic security (such as a no-layoff guarantee or a comfortable retirement plan). These two need levels together are typically called lower-order needs, and they are similar to the primary no discussed earlier. Higher-Order Needs There are three levels of higher-order needs. The third level ia the hierarchy concerns love, belonging, and social involvement at work (friendships and compatible associates). The needs at the fourth level encompass those for esteem and status, including one’s feelings of self-worth and of competence. The feeling of competence, which derives from the assurance of others, provides status. The fifth-level need is self-actualization, which means becoming all that one is capable of becoming, using one’s skills to the fullest, and stretching talents to the maximum. Interpreting the Hierarchy of Needs Maslow’s need-hierarchy model essentially says that people have needs they wish to satisfy and that gratified needs are not as strongly motivating as unmet needs, Employees are more enthusiastically motivated by what they are currently seeking than by receiving more of what they already have. A fully satisfied need will not be a strong motivator. Interpreted in this way, the Maslow hierarchy of needs has had a powerful impact on contemporary managers, offering some useful ideas for helping managers think about motivating their employees. As a result of widespread familiarity with the model, today’s managers need to: ‘ Identify and accept employee needs 7 Recognize that needs may differ among employees  8 Offer satisfaction for the particular needs currently unmet 9 Realize that giving more of the same reward (especially one which satisfies lower-order needs) may have a diminishing impact on motivation. The Maslow model also has many limitations, and it has been sharply criticized. As a philosophical framework, it has been difficult to study and has not been fully verified. From a practical perspective, it is not easy to provide opportunities for self-actualization to all employees. In addition, research has not supported the presence of all five need levels as unique, nor has  the five-step progression from lowest to highest need levels been established. There is, however, some evidence that unless the two lower-order needs (physiological and security) are basically satisfied, employees will not be greatly concerned with higher-order needs. The evidence for a more limited number of need levels is consistent with each of the two models discussed next. Hertzberg’s Two-Factor Model On the basis of research with engineers and accountants, Frederick Hertzberg, in the 1950s, developed a two-factor model of motivation. He asked his subjects to think of a time when they felt especially good about their jobs and a time when they felt especially bad about their jobs. He also asked them to describe the conditions that led to those feelings. Hertzberg found that employees named different types of conditions that produced good and bad feelings. That is, if a feeling of achievement led to a good feeling, the lack of achievement was rarely given as cause for bad feelings. Instead, some other factor, such as company policy, was more frequently given as a cause of bad feelings. Maintenance and Motivational Factors Hertzberg concluded that two separate sets of factors influenced motivation. Prior to that time, people had assumed that motivation and lack of motivation were merely opposites of one factor on a continuum. Hertzberg upset the traditional view by stating that certain job factors, such as job security and working conditions, dissatisfy employees primarily when the conditions are absent. However, their presence generally brings employees only to a neutral state. The factors are not strongly motivating. These potent dissatisfies are called hygiene factors, or maintenance factors, because they must not be ignored, They are necessary for building a foundation on which to create a reasonable level of motivation in employees. Other job conditions operate primarily to build this motivation, but their absence rarely is strongly dissatisfying. These conditions are known as motivational factors, motivators, or satisfiers. For many years managers had been wondering why their custodial policies and wide array of fringe benefits were not increasing employee motivation. The idea  of separate motivational and maintenance factors helped answer their question, because fringe benefits and personnel policies were primarily maintenance factors, according to Hertzberg. Job Content &Context: Motivational factors such as achievement and responsibility are related, for the most part, directly to the job itself, the employee’s performance, and the personal recognition and growth that employees experience. Motivators mostly are job-centered; they relate to job content. On the other hand, maintenance factors are mainly related to job context, because they are more related to the environment surrounding the job. This difference between job content and job context is a significant of is. It shirrs that employees are motivated primarily by what they do for themselves. When they take responsibility or gain recognition through their own behavior, they are strongly motivated. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators The difference between job content and job context is similar to the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivators in psychology. Intrinsic motivators are internal rewards that a person feels when performing a job, so there is a direct and often immediate connection between work and rewards. An employee in this situation is self-motivated, Extrinsic motivators are external rewards that occur apart from the nature of work, providing no direct satisfaction at the defter the work is performed Examples are retirement plans, health insurance, and vacations. Although employees value these items, fey are not effective motivators. Interpreting the Two-Factor Model Harrier’s model provides a useful distinction between maintenance factors, which are necessary but not sufficient, and motivational factors, which have the potential for improving employee effort. The two-factor model ‘ broadened managers’ perspectives by showing the potentially powerful role of intrinsic rewards that evolve from the work itself. (This conclusion ties in with a number of other important behavioral developments, such as job enrichment, empowerment, self-leadership, and quality of work life, which are. discussed in later chapters.) Nevertheless, managers should now be aware that they cannot neglect a wide rare. go of facers that create at least a neutral work environment. In addition, unless hygiene factors are reasonably adder; their absence will serve as significant distractions to workers. The Hertzberg model, like Maslow’s, has been widely criticized. It is not universe applicable, because it was based on and applies best to  managerial, professional, an; upper-level white-collar employees. The model also appears to reduce the motivation* importance of pay, status, and relations with others, since these are maintenance facto; This aspect of the model is counterintuitive to many managers and difficult for them k , accept. Since there is no absolute distinction between the effects of the two major factors the model outlines only general tendencies,† maintenance factors may be motivators to some people, and motivators may be maintenance factors to others. Finally, the model also seems to be method-bound, meaning that only Hertzberg’s approach (asking for self-reports of favorable and unfavorable job experiences) produces the two-factor model. In short, there may be an appearance of two factors when in reality there is only one factor. Alderfer’s E-R-G Mode: Building upon earlier need models (primarily Maslow’s) and seeking to overcome some their weaknesses, Clayton Alderfer proposed a modified need hierarchy—the E-R-G model—with just three levels three levels. He suggested that employees are initially interested in satisfying their existence needs, which combine physiological and security factors. Pay, physical working conditions, job security, and fringe benefits can all address these needs. Relatedness needs are at the next level, and these involve being understood and accepted by people above, below, and around the employee at work and away Growth needs are in the third category; these involve the desire for both self-esteem at self-actualization. The impending conversation between the president and the marketing manager could be structured around Alderfer’s E-R-G model. The president may first wish to identify which level or levels seem to be satisfied. For example, a large disparity between their salaries could lead the marketing manager to be frustrated with his existence needs, despite a respectable salary-and-bonus package. Or his immersion in his work through long hours and heavy travel as the stores prepared to open could have left his relatedness needs unsatisfied. Finally, assuming he has mastered his present job assignments, he may be experiencing the need to develop his no marketing capabilities and grow into new areas. In addition to condensing Maslow’s five need levels into three that are more consistent with research, the  E-R-G model differs in other ways. For example, the E-R-G model does not assume as rigorous a progression from level to level. Instead, it accepts the likelihood that all three levels might be active at any time—or even that just one of the higher levels might be active. It also suggests that a person frustrated at either of the two higher levels may return to concentrate on a lower level and then progress again. Finally, whereas the first two levels are somewhat limited in their requirements for satisfaction, the growth needs not only are unlimited but are actually further awakened each time some satisfaction is attained. Comparison of the Maslow, Hertzberg, and Alderfer Modes The similarities among the three models of human needs are quite apparent,but there are important contrasts, too. Maslow and Alderfer focus on the internal needs of the employee, whereas Herzberg also identifies and differentiates the conditions (job content or job context) that could be provided for need satisfaction. Popular interpretations of the Masiow and Herzberg models suggest that in modern societies many workers have already satisfied their lower-order needs, so they are now motivated mainly by higher-order needs and motivators. Alderfer suggests that the failure to satisfy related-ness or growth needs will cause renewed interest in existence needs. Finally, all three models indicate that before a manager tries to administer a reward, he or she would find it useful to discover which need or needs dominate a particular employee at the time. In this way, all need models provide a foundation for the understanding and application of behavior modification. BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION The models of motivation that have been discussed up to this point are known as content theories of motivation because they focus on the content (nature) of items that may motivate a person. They relate to the person’s inner self and how that person’s internal state of needs determines behavior. The major difficulty with content models of motivation is that the needs people have are not subject to observation by managers or to precise measurement for monitoring purposes. It is difficult, for example, to measure an employee’s esteem needs or to assess how they change over time. Further, simply knowing about an employee’s-needs does not directly suggest to managers what they  should do with that information. As a result, there has been considerable interest in motivational models that rely more heavily on intended results, careful measurement, and systematic application of incentives. Organizational behavior modification, or OB Mod, is the application in organizations of the principles of behavior modification, which evolved from the work of B. F. Skinner. OB Mod and the next several models are process theories of motivation, since they provide perspectives on the dynamics by which employees can be motivated.